<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/8c179db5-d2a1-47a4-9a37-e53f4bd3402c/warning.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/8c179db5-d2a1-47a4-9a37-e53f4bd3402c/warning.png" width="40px" /> I have created this page to document my own writing process both for my own sake and for that of anyone who would benefit.



Currently, important online content is bookmarked with ‣ and clipped with Notion's web clipper. (Obviously, sometimes both.)

Archiving With Save To Notion Browser Extension


I'm not very good at diagrams - still have yet to learn Figma - but you get the idea.

I'm not very good at diagrams - still have yet to learn Figma - but you get the idea.

For several years now, I have begun each writing project with a single Markdown document in Typora. Beneath a horizontal dividing line, hyperlink references and general ideas are listed in a todo list (with checkboxes ☑️].) The copy goes above the dividing line, though - in most cases - it eventually becomes of sufficient length to necessitate being cut and pasted to its own document (still in Typora.) Microsoft Browsing Review is a good, current example of a notes document that has been separated. This notes document - for a post about Vivaldi, the web browser - has not yet been divided:

This notes document has yet to part with its copy.

This notes document has yet to part with its copy.

As they are included, references and ideas are checked off (☑️.) Because Notion's webclipper automatically sends clipped pages to the end of the page, I have begun adding a References header at the bottom of each notetaking document (as evidenced by the same Microsoft Browsing Review notes page) to collect them.

The bottom of Microsoft Browsing Review including the References section.

The bottom of Microsoft Browsing Review including the References section.

I believe this method needs replacement and/or revision. Consider notes documents like David Blue vs. Big Blue Notes , which have become so gigantic as to warrant their own Table of Contents. I'm not sure this document is even particularly useful anymore - going back now feels almost impossible, and so I have the urge to create a second notes document and essentially start again. Obviously, this process is untenable.