Disclaimer: We are not Obsidian experts! This guide is meant to get people started with the basics of using Drafts with Obsidian. Feel free to expand on these ideas, or let us know if we’ve missed something important.
Obsidian 4 is a popular personal knowledge management application that focuses on organizing and cross-linking Markdown files.
Drafts works nicely as a capture front-end for Obsidian. This article covers methods available to send items you have captured in Drafts to your Obsidian vaults. The actions provide here are all cross-platform and will work on both iOS and Mac.
Not all ways to work with Obsidian are covered here, just some basics to get you started.
Obsidian’s URL scheme support allows Drafts to create new files in Obsidian, passing details to control which vault, file name, and content to include.
Below are example actions with variations of what is possible with URLs, see “Modifying URL Action Examples” below for details on adapting these to your needs:
For advanced use cases, see the Obsidian URL documentation for details on available parameters. It is possible to use different parameter combinations to target specific paths, etc.
Each of the example actions above defines the parameters used to construct the Obsidian URL in a series of “Define Template Tag” action steps. To modify these parameters, you can edit the templates of each of these steps.
For the “Send to Obsidian Vault” example to be useful, you will have to edit the action and change the template value “MY-VAULT” in the first step of the action to match the name of a vault in your Obsidian installation.