
Although those born during the Week of Genius may not necessarily be more intelligent than others in the year, they generally learn quickly and exhibit an alert, even high-strung demeanor. Like thoroughbreds, they are hot-blooded types, usually champing at the bit to get on with it. Patience is not one of their virtues, and they show a marked itchiness with those slower sorts who need time to express themselves and make decisions.

They often arouse other people’s amazement, and also jealousy, due to the speed and ease with which they pick things up at the first go. When they are young, this ability may manifest as precocity, but parents and teachers who do not understand them may criticize them as superficial, and for lacking the staying power to see a project through. But although it is true that they are easily bored, they are quite capable of perseverance when they feel it is warranted. Not all of them have the ability to learn so fast, but most value mental skills highly and try to develop them, whether natural or not. They also prize education, but not always the kind found in school: they believe that experience is the best teacher and are often self-taught. The lure of worldly excitement will often entice them away from the classroom, and travel to foreign lands can have a peculiar fascination for them.

In their careers, they want to have things their own way. They rarely do well in jobs where they are told what to do. Self-employment or independent positions suit them better, particularly if their work allows them the freedom to make choices, plan, change direction, follow their instincts and be true to what they believe. Although they can be excellent leaders, whether of families and social groups or in their professional environments, they have no essential need to either rule or dominate. Their greatest need in relation to other people may actually be just the need for attention, since every performer ultimately needs an audience.

It is extremely important for them to give every project they work on their own personal stamp. People who enjoy the individual expression of others are fond of them, but their often destabilizing and self-centered energies can affect group projects adversely. They often seem rebellious, but this is usually because of some attempt to tame or control them. Their impulsiveness can easily bring them into conflict with authority figures, or with those of a more conservative nature.

Once they accept their uniqueness and realize that their social needs and drives are less deep than they think, they will make great strides in their careers. The more enlightened may come to realize they can use their strengths best by pursuing a career that does not necessarily involve social contact. There are many areas of science, music, art, publishing or economics that can fit the bill. Part of the problem they confront in working with others is that they tend to exhaust their talents and energies on those close to them, sometimes in a frustrated effort to fit in and feel that they really belong to a group.

On the negative side, they have a tendency toward self-destructiveness. They are more hurtful to themselves than to others. They can be emotionally unstable, and at times can appear distracted, wired, self-absorbed, and can be easily upset. Their sensitivity to external stimuli may be pronounced in such moods, and they may have an acute need to withdraw to a quiet place, away from the bustle of the world. Easily stressed out, even prone to periodic breakdowns, they must learn to toughen themselves. If they can become less easily aroused, they will deal more effectively with the exigencies of everyday life.

In matters of love, they insist that their mates understand their need for freedom. They will not be tied down to fixed routines and schedules. Friends and lovers with more demanding expectations of them are in for a rude surprise; rarely will they accept restriction. Chafing at constraint, they may just try to find another free spirit to get involved with, a solution that may work in the short term but seldom provides the stability and permanence required for deeper commitment. Some may indeed desire a permanent, faithful, giving and stable partner but may also seek the freedom to carry on all kinds of other relationships, sexual or otherwise, at the same time. By practicing this kind of double standard, these people seek to satisfy both their needs and their desires, but they also show their disregard for others.

Those born during the Week of Genius who choose family life will have to learn to direct their energies efficiently, share responsibilities, budget their time and, above all, conquer their need for attention. Their charismatic side often attracts the wrong kind of people, and this may keep their energy from those whom they love and who really need it, particularly family members. Restricting themselves to a well-chosen circle of close friends, and concentrating on those who have a stabilizing effect on them psychologically and are not needy people, will contribute greatly to their happiness.