I’ve been posting about productivity for a long time. Shortly after I wrote my first book and started my sixth or seventh blog, I figured I knew a little bit about productivity. So it’s been a part of my blogs’ content. But now my productivity is down.

I’ve created a lot a stuff in my life. Not to brag, but I’ve written more books, songs, and blog posts than most people on this planet. Why? Because most people don’t write much at all. So I already feel like I’ve accomplished some great work in my life.

With COVID-19 My Productivity Is Down

It’s interesting. I have more time than ever to be productive during the coronavirus lockdown. Yet, I’m less productive than I’ve been for years. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that I now have to do my day job on the computer. By the time I spend four hours in the online classroom I’m done with screens. Or maybe it’s a feeling that nobody really gives a shit about my minimalist contribution in an online world of clutter.

Whatever it is, I’m not going to worry about it. Hell, I have blood cancer. Sure it’s a slow-progressing form of cancer, but it could cause a blood clot and take me out any minute. This could be my last sentence. (It wasn’t.) That said, I don’t want to spend my time worrying whether or not I’m being as productive as I could be.

I’ve already created a lot of works for people to enjoy:

Letting Go of the Chase

If you read blogs about minimalism, productivity, and success, you might see a common theme about letting go. Bloggers, authors, writers, and philosophers of all sorts will tell you to let go of excess. They’ll warn you about burnout. “Stop chasing happiness,” they’ll say. But the irony is that while they’re lecturing their readers, they’re not practicing what they preach. I know. I’ve been there, done that. But now I’m getting to a place where I honestly don’t care about the quantity of my output.

I’ve let go of the chase. On one hand, this is a little sad. It feels like I’ve given up on some dreams. But on the other hand, it’s freeing. I’m no longer working my ass off to impress others. I don’t spent several hours a day trying to promote my work. I can create what I want whenever I want. And honestly, I know there will be more. I’m just done forcing it.

Time to Enjoy a Few Simple Pleasures

My hope is simple: As I let go of the hustle, I’ll have more time to enjoy life as I get closer to retirement. I mean what’s the point in being so productive that you have no time to live. I doubt I’ll say that I wished I’d have written one more blog post when I’m laying on my deathbed.