
Microsoft Research New England

1 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142

Phone: 857-453-6310 Fax: 425-706-7329 Email: [email protected]

This web page is at as well as at

Here are a one-paragraph biography, a short biography and a CV (or as a single Word file here).

Here is a list of publications, with links to abstracts and text.

Here are brief descriptions of systems I have worked on. It is cross-referenced to the publications, and vice versa.

Here are links to the papers that people most often ask for:

Hints and Principles for Computer System Design. This is the 2019 paper.

Hints for Computer System Design. This is the 1983 paper.

Authentication in Distributed Systems: Theory and Practice.

Usable Security—How to Get It

Designing a Global Name Service.

How to Build a Highly Available System Using Consensus.

SDSI: A Simple Distributed Security Infrastructure.

Principles of Computer Systems course at MIT.

The ABCDs of Paxos