Today we're going to show you 5 tricks that'll help you edit faster in CapCut. If you're not familiar with CapCut, it's a free online video editing program brought to you by the company ByteDance (The company behind TikTok) This app is growing in popularity mainly because it has hundreds of effects, many of which are trending effects that a lot of people look for for their videos - it's also free to use and available for your iPhone, Mac, PC iPad - whatever!
This first trick is about enhancing your facial features, and it's pretty crazy! It's a pretty funny and unique feature that we haven't seen in many other video editors before, you can actually edit the face of a subject/subjects within the frame. You have a huge selection of different options to choose from and they're all pretty impressive. Firstly, select your clip and then go to the video panel at the top right of the screen and click on the "enhance" section. Tick the "face" selection and choose whether you want to enhance a single face, or if there's more than one face in the shot then you'll have to option to enhance multiple faces too. There are multiple sliders for you to have a mess with and each of them will chance certain properties of the face in the shot. For instance, smoothness, evenness, brightness and teeth brightness - you can select a skin tone and make it brighter or darker to fit your needs.
Then if you go into the "facial beauty" section, you can alter certain things like thinness of the face, chin length, shortness of face, adjusting the lower or upper half of the face, eye size, lip size etc. You can even add makeup to the face, It's really impressive what can be done with this feature and the results can be pretty realistic at times!
Next up is adding automatic captions to your videos - it's something that we should all know, especially if you're a Youtuber or content creator. To save time when editing, Capcut can actually transcribe your footage and add captions automatically so they're ready for you to upload onto Instagram or Tiktok. To get started, select your clip and then in the top menu bar, select the "text" section and click on "auto-captions". There are plenty of different language options available so select your preferred language, hit "create" and in seconds Capcut will auto generate the captions for your video! You can edit how the text looks from the menu bar on the right of the screen, select "text" and you'll be able to adjust the size, style, font, colour and much more. Super simple and it takes a lot of the hassle out of having to manually write subtitles or captions for your videos
Next up, let's talk about effects and there are tonnes to talk about! This is one of the main things that really makes Capcut stand out above the other video editing platforms out there at the moment. If you click "effects" on the menu bar at the top of the screen, you'll have a massively library of video effects and body effects and they're all pretty impressive, there's even a trending category section which is super useful if you're working on your socials like Tiktok or Instagram reels and need those flashy popular looks. If you click on the effect once, it'll preview over your video clip, if you want to use it on your clip then simply drag in onto your timeline above the section. On the right hand side of the screen, you'll find options for increasing and decreasing the properties of the effect, size, speed, intensity etc.